Does Owning a Home Make More Sence Than Renting?

Does Owning a Home Make More Sence Than Renting?


Why you shouldn’t just follow whatever your friends are doing.

How some people get unwillingly and unknowingly “hooked” on renting.

Thoughts on the different ways buying or renting will cost you that many people never consider

Why cutting down on your daily lattes (or anything else you love) may not be a smart thing to do to save up for a downpayment.

What an older person might tell you about buying versus renting…based upon a loaf of bread

Bonus: A series of follow-up emails with more thoughtful tips, hints, and resources, only available if you have downloaded the booklet.



Some just buy a home because they feel it’s “what you’re supposed to do.” They don’t even question whether or not it makes sense for them.

On the other hand, some people don’t buy a home because they feel it’s something they aren’t qualified to do, can’t handle, or have heard other people say it doesn’t make sense to do.

It’s a quick read, and it’s filled with over a dozen thought-provoking topics. It makes sense for you to read this if you:

•  Question the value of owning a home.
•  Have never owned a home.
•  Owned a home, but went back to renting due to past financial issues.
•  Simply want to think through which scenario (owning vs. renting) makes more sense.

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